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Utah Bethels

1Salt Lake City1st Saturday
3rd Saturday
10:00 AM
7:00 PM
Salt Lake
Masonic Temple
650 E SouthTemple
Salt Lake City, UT
2Ogden2nd Monday
4th Monday
7:00 PM
7:00 PM
Masonic Temple
1240 20th St
Ogden, UT
3Price1st Sunday
3rd Sunday
2:00 PM
2:00 PM
Masonic Temple
30 N 1st E.
Price, UT
7Salt Lake City2nd Saturday
4th Saturday
10:00 AM
7:00 PM
Salt Lake
Masonic Temple
650 E South Temple
Salt Lake City, UT
9Bountiful1st Saturday
3rd Tuesday
10:00 AMBountiful
Masonic Temple
143 W 1000 N84010
7:00 PMBountiful, UT
13Salt Lake City2nd Saturday
4th Saturday
10:00 AM
6:30 PM
Salt Lake
Masonic Temple
650 E South Temple
Salt Lake City, UT
16Midvale1st Saturday
3rd Saturday
10:00 AM
7:00 PM
Masonic Temple
30 N Center
Midvale, UT
20Clearfield2nd Monday
4th Monday
6:30 PM
6:30 PM
Masonic Temple
452 E 700 S
Clearfield, UT
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Maps for Each of the Bethel Meeting Places in the Utah Masonic Temples

Salt Lake City Masonic Temple

Meeting place for Bethels’ #1, #7 and #13

Click on map “Marker” for more information.

Ogden Masonic Temple

Meeting place for Bethel @2

Click on map “Marker” for more information.

Price Masonic Temple

Meeting place for Bethel #3

Click on map “Marker” for more information.

Bountiful Masonic Temple

Meeting place for Bethel #9

Click on map “Marker” for more information.

Midvale Masonic Temple

Meeting place for Bethel #16

Click on map “Marker” for more information.

 Clearfield Masonic Temple

Meeting place for Bethel #20

Click on map “Marker” for more information.

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